Monthly Matters
Maintenance Committee
Posted on May 29, 2023 6:00 AM by Admin
“The time to repair a roof is when the sun is shining.” John F. Kennedy
It may seem redundant, but the Maintenance Committee is another example of the exemplary talent and volunteer spirit we have here at Arbor Grove.
We have been incredibly lucky to have so many talented folks over the years with the knowledge and skill sets to assist Arbor Grove with projects and, oftentimes, save us all money when we don’t have to hire contractors.  Can’t imagine the amount of funds we have saved by volunteering at the Pool by Barry Gadbois and Garry Goselin.  Yikes! Time and again, they step up to the plate. Rich Allers, along with Scott Stevenson, co-chair this committee.
Even in instances where a professional needs to be hired, this fine committee has the knowledge to ensure the work is necessary, priced right, and completed in a proper manner.  Maintenance Committee members have even gone above and beyond to help repair or lend advice for a problem within the interior of a home, which is totally outside their responsibility. They’re just good neighbors.
Whether it is getting concrete work done, roofs replaced/repaired, taking care of the pond and fountain, and now, overseeing the rebuild of the 707 Unit, they’re on it.
Along with co-chairs Rich and Scott, the team is made up of Rick Balthazor, Joe Donovan, Sandi Frenzki, Gary Goselin, Jack Dorn, Terry Schaafsma, John Wieliczko, Barry Gadbois, and their very newest member and Arbor Grove resident, Mike Magruder.  Mike has already been instrumental in working with pool/hot tub issues.
Have an issue? Don’t call or text; go right to this website, click on the Committees tab, then click on Maintenance/Pool/Pond. This takes you to the page where the form resides so you can report your issue to be addressed by the maintenance committee. Not only is it the fastest way to get the committee involved, but the website also automatically sends your information to the appropriate person to address the issue and get it resolved as soon as feasibly possible.
Using the website to complete the request also tracks the issue so we have documentation and can study various inputs to determine where future issues may occur; for example, Information on the website identified that we had one of our units had significantly more issues with shingles blowing off than all others.  It turns out that the unit was constructed during the winter months, and apparently, shingles applied during cold weather don’t stick as well as those applied during the warmer months.
The maintenance committee also functions as the architectural committee. Any projects residents wish to address outside their units are subject to the committee’s approval.  Some common requests include installing or expanding a patio, putting up (or taking down) a fence, installing a generator, painting your door, installing a storm door, etc.  These issues all require approval from the committee.  Reasons for this include:
  • General aesthetics – to ensure that all units maintain a level of conformity that maintains the standard of the community.
  • To confirm licensed and bonded contractors do all upgrades.  This is to ensure that proper materials and methods are used.  This also protects Arbor Grove from potential liability issues due to sub-standard workmanship.

Hopefully, few of us need to report an issue to the Maintenance/Pool/Pond Committee, but if we do, it is an easy process. Best of all, you can trust this fine group to do whatever they can to rectify an issue or address a concern. 
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