Make This Your Best Summer Yet at Arbor Grove!
Yes, summer is upon us. With May Day, the official celebratory day of Spring, coming later this week, there is much to look forward to. Hope many Grovers were able to get to Container Gardening with Lois Ware earlier this month.
On May 6th, our pool service folks will be on hand to get the pool ready for opening (we still want more volunteers if you can contact Gary Goselin or Barry Gadbois). Once filled, with proper chemicals in place and water warmed, we will be up and running.
For those who don’t swim, why not come poolside to get fresh air and a little vitamin D in your system? Bring a good book, good mood and just enjoy the day.
If you are an angler at heart, bluegills, sunfish, catfish, and largemouth bass are waiting to be caught—and, of course, released.
In order for everyone to share our wonderful grounds and amenities to their fullest, there are, of course, AG policies and rules in place so everyone can enjoy themselves.
While this article will include a link to these community guidelines, there are some that many seem to be unaware of. Sometimes, folks have confusion about:
Have you rented the clubhouse? Enjoy, but party guests are not allowed poolside.
If the Clubhouse is rented by someone else, feel free to enter the side or pool entrance if exercising or swimming. The bathrooms and exercise room are always accessible to residents. If you do go from pool to bathroom, please thoroughly dry off so no one slips and hurts themselves on a wet floor.
Have family members visiting? Enjoy, but do not give them access to the clubhouse, pool, or fishing pond unless you are onsite with them. Children under age 18 are not to be in clubhouses unattended by an adult. Remember – pool guests are limited to 4 guests per unit and residents are responsible for their behavior and noise level. AG’s pool is a place for both fun and relaxation so consideration of others is a must.
When you are ready to leave the pool/clubhouse area, please take all your belongings with you and clean up after yourself. if you use a table, wipe it off. It is only fair to the next person who comes along.
We have phenomenal amenities here at Arbor Grove to make summer fun, so, please visit the pool/clubhouse/pond area often and make this Your Best Summer Yet at Arbor Grove!